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# Experience PvP dogfighting in the last Star Wars: The Old Republic DIGITAL EXPANSION, "Galactic Starfighter"...


# Witness TESO's CHARACTER CREATION and its cutomization options in action with this new video ...


# CD PROJECT RED has anounced the last part of Geralt of Rivia games "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", based on the novels of Andrzej Sapkowski ...


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“Troll N Trolled” is the ultimate project born from a group of long-standing Role Playing Games (RPG) players and their initiative. A community to serve as house for all their members and fellows. The bases for a long-standing and persistent community that will endure for many years, specially founded  for The Elder Scrolls Online but expected to reach much other games, housing several player guilds …

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The Elder Scrolls Online is expected to be the most active game in our community. One of the main reasons why this community was born.


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